Wednesday 20 March 2013

On Your Mark, Get Set, Go!

Has our life become so fast paced that we feel the need to overtake others even though we are not at all in a hurry? Have we forgotten what the word ‘relaxed’ means? I got to thinking about this, a week ago, while crossing the abnormally crowded Dadar Railway Bridge. What made me realize all this was that I was actually trying to move ahead of the person walking ahead of me, and I can assure you that I was absolutely in no hurry. For a moment I didn’t understand why I did that. I could've just walked at my normal speed, and let him walk at his own speed as well. But no. I still wanted to move ahead of him for some reason. However, I tried to slow down and go against my mind. I tried to tell myself that it isn’t a race! And that I am not going to be rewarded for crossing the bridge before others. I, slightly against my wishes, lowered my pace. The moment I did that, the lady behind me screamed in my ears asking me to get out of ‘her way’, and went running ahead muttering something to herself and maybe cursing me. The very next second I got angry on myself, because if I hadn’t slowed down in the first place, the lady wouldn’t have pushed me! 

To be able to relax nowadays has become synonymous with a miracle. We have not forgotten what it means, its just that its a luxury. Even if try to take a moment or two, there are others relying on you who don't.  

So basically, if you are not in hurry at that time doesn’t mean that others are not. Maybe, they simply cannot afford to slow down. We just have to continue running in order to keep up with the crowd or atleast because the people around you need you to. You cannot take everybody for granted. We cannot always keep justifying why we did what we did. Whatever you think is right might be so for you yourself, but what about the others - literally as well as hypothetically - walking with you? If we don’t, we’ll end up being pushed and shoved and left behind in this case - literally and hypothetically - too! No one wants that! So if you want to survive learn to walk along with the crowd.  And if you want walk ahead of the crowd, develop yourself. It certainly IS a race. And it isn’t going to be easy…

Its surprising how little things can affect you so much. Its not necessary to take out time to give some things a thought. They can be done while you do your daily chores or whilst you drag yourself home after a busy day. 


  1. So true, every little thing gives us a food for thought !!! nice write up :) really got me to think...

  2. Really a nice one! In Mumbai we cannot afford slow paced life.

  3. Thanks so much!! Its a constant 'Race Against Time'.
