Friday 16 August 2013

Why am I doing, what it is that i am doing?!

So here's a simple question, with a 'not so easy' an answer - Why am I doing, what it is that I am doing? Simple isn't it? But why do i get the feeling that most of you are shifting in your chairs, trying to get an answer? I bet nobody can answer this question, in one quick reply. Unless of course, you actually sit down in a corner, open your mind and focus on asking yourself till you discover your reasons.
Never really considered giving this a thought until a few days back, when this was being discussed in one of my classes, and no one could really give justice to the question in point - "Why is it that I am studying the media?"
Although conveying yourself to the world, can get difficult. What gets in the way is maintaining the thin line between innocently enlightening people about your views and on the other hand, gloating. It may seem like a simple thing, but once you have the pen and paper in your hands, I assure you, there might just be a few pieces of paper scattered on the floor, in no time.(Read: ‘ctrl + x’, ‘ctrl + z’) The same thing happened before I managed to jot down just this much.
So to get to the question about why I am studying the media, is simply because I love writing. And proving points. Agreed, that I have not always wanted to get into journalism, but I have always loved to write ever since my school days. And to think, I have grown from writing ‘Autobiography of a broken umbrella’ or ‘What if the sun never rose’ to writing about a topic as vague as ‘Life’. . Also I have been told that I have a flair for the languages, particularly English. Uncommon words excite me. Good vocabulary is what makes an article. 
And even though I have studied one year of journalism, I don’t think that its’ enough. Rather, in this profession, nothing is ever enough. There is always that something that you don’t know, but you need to have the knowledge of. One can say that, I am here to learn more about how this profession works, or as I would like to put it- ‘To groom myself.’
Another reason for me to study journalism can be because of my habit of ‘going into depths of even the most trivial matters’, which many may find annoying. I question constantly and have this thirst for getting answers for everything under the sky. And I think this is quality a journalist should possess, because nothing good ever came out of being ignorant.
I know that getting into the field will teach me how to become the best in what I do, but you can’t blindly jump in the well not knowing how to swim, or atleast having some idea of what to do, in order to not drown.
This is just the beginning, there’s so much more to come my way!!

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